


全國學習專線 8:00-22:00
中加楓華國際學校創建于2003年  采用加拿大原版教材和全英文的授課方式  是經加拿大BC省認證的,實行中加兩國雙學歷教育的國際學校  
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  • 姓 名: Craig老師
  • 當前等級:特約主講
  • 所屬學校: 上海中加楓華國際學校
  • 授課類別:面授
  授課科目:Communications,English,Social Studies,Photography 11&12
  畢業院校:University of Toronto
  教育背景:BEd,University of Toronto|HonBA,University of Toronto
  個人介紹:I have lived in Toronto,Canada all of my life.When I was in high school,I went on a student exchange to France,living and going to school there for three months.
  ?This was an excellent experience and I have since realized the impact it had on my understanding of different cultures and how cultures develop.Living and teaching in China has equally had a great and positive influence on my life.
  ?I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy the life here and look forward to many more years of living in China.

關于我們 | 聯系我們 | 上海中加楓華國際學校地址:上海市長寧區興義路8號 咨詢電話:400-688-0112
滬ICP備18018862號-5 網站地圖 注冊 登錄 招生合作 版權/投訴 免責聲明 更新時間:2025-01-08
紫阳县| 穆棱市| 赣榆县| 安国市| 辽宁省| 青田县| 耿马| 仪征市| 内江市| 永城市| 民县| 锡林郭勒盟| 修武县| 奉化市| 稷山县| 南涧| 阿荣旗| 涞源县| 井研县| 福安市| 琼中| 舒兰市| 高要市| 新巴尔虎左旗| 桂东县| 古交市| 福州市| 玉林市| 体育| 民权县| 区。| 延安市| 兰西县| 电白县| 荥经县| 尼玛县| 巴彦县| 正镶白旗| 墨玉县| 衡南县| 林西县|