


全國學習專線 8:00-22:00
上海師范大學附屬第二外國語學校成立于2000年  是一所十二年一貫制現代化、高標準、寄宿制的民辦雙語學校  開設了ALevel課程和美高+AP課程  
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發布時間:2020-12-24 14:31:23 已幫助:414人 來源:上海師范大學附屬第二外國語學校









  Following the singing of the national anthem,Principal Li took the stage to congratulate the graduates on their successful completion of their studies and thanked the parents and teachers who had nurtured the students.

  President Li’s message to the students was to have"heart"growth;to always have an enterprising heart.Leaving school,and venturing onto the world stage,to be brave and remember their proud heritage.
  美國佛蒙特州國際學校總校長Dr.James Cross祝福學生們畢業,并熱切地希望學生們以開放的姿態擁抱多元的世界,在日新月異的變化中既保持本色,又能銳意進取,不斷創新,成為一個具有世界格局的新青年。
  Dr.James Cross,President of the Vermont International Academy,was unable to attend in person,due to the coronavirus situation,but sent a video in which he challenged the graduates to embrace a diverse world with an open attitude,to maintain their identity and forge ahead,to be innovators and to have a global mind.
  國際高中部學術主任Mr.Trevor Wattrus“以擁抱未來,不懼失敗”為主題為大家獻上一份演講:我們所安排好的未來完全不像計劃中的那樣,而是一個全新的、未知的、不確定的未來在等著我們。那么,我們做好了準備嗎?
  Mr.Trevor Wattrus,the international high school academic director,gave a speech on the theme of"How to prepare for an uncertain future".Recognizing that the future of these days is so different from the future we were all expecting,he offered four suggestions that will help graduates succeed in these changing times.
  1.Recognize and accept that the future is in fact uncertain;
  2.Be a risk taker;acknowledge that failure may happen,but look for another way to succeed;
  3.Be innovate,move beyond your comfort zone and embrace change;
  4.Know how to cut your losses.
  He defined education as what will stay with them.Knowledge learned may be forgotten,but the skills learned will be with them for life.He encouraged them to embrace the future boldly,and to be the best they can be.


  Student representative Hubery Zhang spoke:
  Graduation means the end of their high school life,but it's not the end of their story.He spoke of how quickly time had passed,and already they are preparing their final farewell.Looking back there are so many people to thank,and so many memories worth cherishing.He encouraged his fellow graduates to spread their wings and reach for the sky.
  Student representative Gary spoke:
  Reflecting on the past three years,he remembered the warm welcome,and how they had been helped to grow and learn,to be able to reap a good harvest of their efforts.
  Three years later,they will walk out of the door of this school,parting from all that has become familiar to them,but knowing that the road to success is ahead.
  When they reunite and return to their alma mater again,it will be to return to the place that gave them so much.
  家長代表Waverly Chen媽媽對學生說:上天其實給你們每個人都賦予了某些天賦,一個人如果能夠把他/她的天賦發揮到極致,他/她的人生也會是很成功的!但對特長的培養并不意味著是對自己弱項的放棄;對老師和家長說:每個孩子都是一株植物,有的開花期早、有的開花期晚,只要給他們合適的土壤和適宜的環境,他們都會有開花結果的一天。也許有的孩子總也不開花,那可能是因為他長大后會是一棵參天的大樹!
  Speaking on behalf of the parents,Waverly Chen’s mother told the students:God actually gives each of you some talent,if a person can develop his/her talent to the fullest,his/her life will be very successful!But the cultivation of special skills does not mean to ignore their own weaknesses;they must develop in their strong and weak areas.To the teachers and parents,she had this message that each child is like a plant;some flower early,some flower later.As long as they are given the right soil and a suitable environment,they will have their day of being in full bloom.Some children do not always flower;it may be this student will grow up to be a big tree!
  家長代表Frank Kang和Dave Kang媽媽對學校說:感謝學校,讓每個不同的個體揚長避短,做他最優秀的自己,不千人一面,不一個標準固化學生的思維,不打擊學生的學習熱情,激發學生的快樂學習能力,提升他們與國外學生的競爭實力,我們學校不做考試的填鴨者,只做吸收知識的引路人。學校這么說了,也是這么做了。
  Also speaking on behalf of the parents,the mother of Frank Kang and Dave Kang mother thanked the school,for helping each individual student avoid falling short,but helping them to be their best.Recognizing the diversity of learning,she appreciated the development of the students’individual thinking,and that their learning was stimulated,their competitive edge forged.This was of far greater value than only testing knowledge.
  Her message to the students was that the future will belong to them.She hoped that they will use what they have learned to transform their world into a more modern,popular and better place.She encouraged them to use knowledge and technology to make the world a better place and shine on the larger global stage.


  Lynn Chang,the head teacher,told the students:"No matter how long the shadow of the tree has grown at dusk,it is still connected to the roots."No matter how far they go,this school will remain their home.
  She thanked the parents for their continued support and cooperation in their work.Successful education cannot be achieved without the cooperation of parents and school.
  She congratulated the students for being accepted by the college of their choice,and wished them well all along the way!


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